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Cleaner, More Convenient Prosperous Cities: The Hidden Benefits of Smart Parking Systems - IoT Evolution World

As urban areas around the world continue to grow, transportation and mobility systems are undergoing major transformations, from the adoption of traffic rerouting and other control systems to the modernization of parking options.


According to a report published by the UN, over 56% of the world’s population lives in cities. By 2030, that percentage is expected to grow to over 60%. As more people attempt to move through aging infrastructure, congestion and climate change seems inevitable.

City leaders understand they need to build more intelligent systems, including bridging the built and digital world as infrastructure funding is expected to increase dramatically, in large part due to the economic recovery programs coming on the heels of the global pandemic in 2020, forecast in the trillions of dollars in the U.S.

We caught up with David Parker, Chief Operating Officer at Cleverciti, a pioneer in high-tech solutions for outdoor and on-street parking detection, monitoring, and guidance.