Smart Parking solutions

Parking Guidance System

Provide intuitive, accurate parking guidance to drivers trying to navigate stressful parking areas. Comprehensive guidance systems not only reduce traffic congestion and emissions, they also lead to increased payment compliance as a result of delivering great service.


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Solve congestion caused by search traffic

Minimize congestion, double-parking, and traffic hazards by guiding drivers to the most convenient available space within the shortest possible search time.


Provide local guidance

Guide drivers to available parking spaces

Present a visible data layer of parking availability to residents and visitors with dynamic signs and displays that blend into the current cityscape.

Simplify decision-making at critical points

Provide information about current parking availability at crucial points in a driver’s journey by placing digital signs at major decision points.

Navigate via turn-by-turn guidance

Help drivers avoid random circling and driving into fully occupied areas by placing local digital signage at each intersection and parking aisle entrance. Only with physical signs can 100% of drivers take advantage of parking guidance.


Want to see how this works for you?

See a demo of Parking Guidance now


Enable digital guidance

Navigate directly to the nearest available space at the driver’s destination

Help drivers find a space close to their destination with intelligent navigation on their mobile device, updating in real-time as availability changes. Popular retail and dining destinations or entrances to office buildings can be highlighted as Points of Interest.

Mobile app integration

Don’t deploy another app. Integrate parking availability, search, and guidance components into the existing app that visitors are already using.

Integrations with smart city dashboards and other systems

Make parking occupancy data available to any other system via REST API. Guidance apps, smart city dashboards, or other third-party systems are all supported.


Announcements at the right time

Update messaging instantly with fully digital 360° displays to provide crucial messaging visible from all directions. Parking guidance can be combined with weather, air quality, special event, or emergency messaging—pushed out across the entire city instantly.

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Maximize parking asset ROI

Most parking assets generate only a fraction of the revenue they could be, and long parking search times negatively impact the revenues of local businesses. Provide drivers with extraordinary service and get rewarded with increased payment compliance and tax revenues.